Service Letter 23 was published on the 3rd May 1920


Lubrication of National Cash Registers. This covers the method and the lubricants used on the Mechanical and Electro Mechanical registers in use at that time. 

Overseas  Service News Vol 20 No 381 was published  24th August 1955


It cancels a Circular Letter of 1950 and covers Refinishing and Retouching Registers in the Field


Also included is a list of materials to be used.

SERVICE Vol VI No. 5 October 15 1923


Making Steel Cabinets



In 1916 the company began the change-over from the ornate brass and bronze cabinets to a steel cabinet, enamelled and decorated with a wood grain finish.

This brochure shows the production and decoration of the cabinets.

SERVICE Vol V No. 1   March 10th 1922


London Service Department


The staff and workshops of Tottenham Court Road in 1922 are shown in this newsletter.