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- Patterson Obituary
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Francis Jefferson Patterson
Born June 15, 1849. Died July 4th 1901

First picture ever taken of N. C. R. factory employees.
Henry Meyer, Purchasing Department; William Pflum, Treasurer's Department; Henry Theobald, Jr., General Manager; Robert Patter son, Jr., Factory Commitlee; Eugene Chapin, Stock Department.
Frank Fowler, deceased ; Frank Patterson, deceased.
1900 The Vice-President in England.
Mr. F. J. Patterson and his wife arrived in England on Monday evening, and return to America on Saturday, October 6th, on the SS. "St. Paul." On Friday, the 5th, we shall have one day's Convention with the Vice-President, which is sure to be interesting and profitable. It is unfortunate that the full British force will not be able, owing to distance and business, to meet the Vice-President.

London, October 6th 1900.
Gentlemen of the Selling Force:- -
On leaving the shores of Old England on my return to America there is one regret I have, and that is that I could not stay with you longer. I have already told you that the next time I cross the Atlantic, I shall endeavour to spend some time with you and visit many, if not all, the Offices in Great Britain, and I hope that nothing will happen to prevent my doing so. This promise, I know, I have made before, but I shall try and keep it the next time. It was a pleasure to meet at the Convention so many of the selling and recording Force. We had a good day together stud I shall take back all your suggestions to the factory and try if we can to meet even more fully than in the past the future demands of trade in England. I was delighted to meet so many of your Salesmen, and I thoroughly enjoyed the Convention from start to finish. -
Extracts frotn Newspapers.
[ From Dayton Daily Journal, Friday, July 5.]
Mr. A. A. Thomas, of the Cash Register Company, said of the deceased last night:
"Mr. F. J. Patterson went through the Dayton High School, and was one of my pupils there in 1867. He first went into business in Chattanooga, the only time he was separated from his brother John H. in business matters. About 1870 he joined his brother in the retail coal business in Dayton. The firm prospered. They opened extensive mines in Jackson County, and they organized the Southern Ohio Coal and Iron Company. Of this company Messrs. J. H. and F. J. Patterson were the owners and principal managers. Frank superintended the mines in Jackson County for seven or eight years. They had 5,000 acres of coal land there and reached an output of 200 cars a day.
Owing to labor troubles and railroad difficulties they sold out their entire coal business. Messrs.]. H. and F. J. Patterson for the next six months made an extensive tour throughout the entire west, expecting to leave this city, but they returned to Dayton and purchased the Cash Register Company of Mr. George L. Phillips, its then owner. This was about sixteen years ago. In the development and management of the business, Mr. F. J. Patterson bore a full share. He often differed with his brother in important matters of business management, but they never would be separated. F. J. Patterson gave his special attention to management of matters inside the factory. He had recognized ability, and was especially foremost in his knowledge of the mechanisms of the machine itself and the history of its development; he thoroughly understood all the intricacies and difficulties of invention of such devices, and probably was better informed than any other person in the Company in regard to the nature and value of patent claims from a business standpoint.
"He always was popular among the men, and probably was personally acquainted with more of his employees than any other officer the Company ever had.
"In some other respects Mr. F. J. Patterson was a remarkable and able business man. He had the temperament which prevented his getting flurried or unduly excited, and had admirable self-control and ability in making difficult contracts.
"He was last at work about two weeks before his death, and then sat through a protracted conference about labor matters, which ended in his appointment and promise to meet all the employees in the Victoria Theatre the next night. The meeting was never held. As we separated he was unable to leave the room, and never returned to the factory.
"In the recent labor troubles he bore a leading part in the management of the Company's affairs, and after he was confined to his house his wishes were waited for and followed by his brother in the settlement of matters. The last message he ever gave was to send to John his entire approval of his course in the last two months."